Our Motto: Develop clinical management solutions for infectious diseases in
resource-limited settings across the globe.

ACESO 2010 - Now

Known by its acronym, ACESO, the Austere environments Consortium for Enhanced Sepsis Outcomes is specifically focused on developing solutions to guide clinical decision-making in settings where a modern intensive care unit (ICU) is not available, including military deployments to areas with long medical evacuation chains, medical centers in low- and middle-income countries, and pandemic or other public health emergency settings.

ACESO currently uses a combination of unbiased and targeted laboratory testing platforms to identify candidate host-based biomarkers, including transcriptomic, proteomic, phosphoproteomic and metabolomic approaches. Host-response patterns are then identified to characterize subgroups of patients in terms of mortality risk, infection type, and predicted treatment response profile.

Additionally, ACESO’s efforts in strengthening clinical capabilities in resource-limited settings provides the platform to conduct regulated clinical trials for diagnostics and therapeutics. As part of this, ACESO is ensuring operational logistics in austere settings globally including training personnel, securing supply chain and mobile deployment, and maintaining compliant clinical data capture systems.

ACESO’s efforts seek to provide a continuum in management of severe infections leading with translational biology bridging it to diagnostics and adaptive clinical care with global application to any resource-limited setting.